What Is Spiritual Enlightenment?

There is something strange about existence. Why does the universe exist at all? The process of life and death seems to be a never-ending cycle of suffering. Non-existence would have been much easier. Reality is a peculiar phenomenon indeed.

Throughout my life, I’ve had a metaphysical itch that nothing seemed to cure. No philosophical, scientific, or religious answer satisfied my thirst for an ultimate explanation about the nature of reality. Everything changed when I found out about spiritual enlightenment.

Unlike what most people think, reality doesn’t have to be an unsolvable mystery. You can find definitive answers to the metaphysical questions you’ve been pondering since you were born. You can directly experience the answers to the following questions, and many more:

  • What is the self?
  • What is Absolute Truth?
  • Why does the universe exist?
  • What is the purpose of existence?
  • What is life?
  • What is death?
  • What is consciousness?
  • What is being?
  • What is the source of suffering?
  • What is the nature of experience?

Spiritual enlightenment is the direct knowledge of the true nature of existence and the realization of one’s intimate unity with all there is. The depth of the experience can vary greatly, but the key insight that follows an enlightenment experience is the realization that you are not just a human being, but Consciousness itself. The realization of yourself as Consciousness opens up the possibility of answering the deepest metaphysical questions about the universe.

A Clear Definition of Spiritual Enlightenment

Any description of spiritual enlightenment will never be the experience of spiritual enlightenment itself. Nonetheless, I will attempt to define what enlightenment is and describe it to the best of my ability. Don’t adopt spiritual teachings or ideas as beliefs or aspects of your self-image. Absolute Truth is far beyond the field of belief and hearsay.

What you really are is the eternal and ever-present field of experience that you call ordinary everyday life. Your bubble of experience is absolute. Nothing exists outside of it. As bizarre as it might sound, you are not a human being. You are the building block of reality itself: you are Consciousness.

The Absolute has contracted and identified with just a part of reality: the body. To realize yourself as Consciousness, you need to break the spell of believing you are only a body. Just like in a dream, consciousness has tricked itself into believing it’s a dream character, when in reality it’s the substance that makes up the whole dream.

“The streets were mine, the temple was mine, the people were mine, their clothes and gold and silver were mine, as much as their sparkling eyes, fair skins and ruddy faces. The skies were mine, and so were the sun and moon and stars, and all the world was mine; and I the only spectator and enjoyer of it.”

– Thomas Traherne

You are the blue of the sky, the cold of the wind, the sound of a dog barking, the taste of a strawberry. You are everything that you interact with; there is nothing separate from you.

Historical Context

If you are not familiar with the content of this article, you might think I’m crazy, and for good reasons. But, at least, I’m in good company. Throughout history, there have been countless reports of similar insights from seekers of the most disparate religious backgrounds.

While different religions may have very different exoteric forms (e.g., different rituals, beliefs, and practices), their esoteric cores often point to similar truths or experiences.

For example, the exoteric forms of Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism are quite different. However, their esoteric traditions (like Christian mysticism, Zen Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta) describe similar experiences of unity, transcendence, and non-dual awareness.

In short, the truth contained in the writings of Meister Eckhart is the same truth contained in the writings of the Buddha. The main idea of the perennial philosophy is that hidden behind the multiplicity of creation, there is only one single Self. That’s what you really are.

Paths to Enlightenment

It’s quite bizarre to me that the majority of people on the planet have no clue about the possibility of finding the ultimate answers to the existential questions of the human experience.

There are countless paths to experience spiritual enlightenment. The following are just some of the practices that have been used by seekers of different religious backgrounds throughout history:

  • Various forms of meditation
  • Various forms of contemplation
  • Various forms of prayer
  • The use of entheogenic substances
  • Raja Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Tummo
  • Self-Inquiry
  • Staying in the I Am

From this list of practices, I highly suggest you look into Kriya Yoga and Staying in the I Am. I’ve been practicing Kriya Yoga and I Am meditation for years, and I’ve achieved incredible results.

To experience enlightenment, you need to somehow change your state of consciousness. Once you reach a certain intensity in your spiritual practice, you will experience ego death and unity with reality. Most likely, the first few times that you approach ego death, you will feel tremendous fear and will stop your efforts. This is absolutely normal. Keep practicing and have faith that after you’ve completely let go of your separate identity, “you” will still be safe.

If you want to have a glimpse of non-duality, you can consider the use of entheogenic substances. But be warned, substances like magic mushrooms, 5-MeO-DMT, or 5-MeO-MALT are to be treated with the utmost respect; otherwise, you will have traumatic experiences.

In this video, Leo Gura explains the top dangers of using psychedelics and how to avoid them.

Now that you know that Absolute Truth exists, it’s up to you to research and practice until you realize the true nature of existence.

Misconceptions about Spiritual Enlightenment

The idea that spiritual enlightenment is just a single realization is widespread but nonetheless naive. Enlightenment isn’t like turning on the switch of a light bulb, and then you are forever done.

Imagine that consciousness is connected to a knob; by turning this knob, it’s possible to influence the depth and intensity of consciousness. For most people, the knob stays in the same position throughout life. However, it’s possible to influence one’s state of consciousness and experience spiritual enlightenment, union with reality.

There is a clear moment in the turning of the knob where you go from living in duality to experiencing non-duality. The separation between perceiver, perception, and process of perception stops, and oneness is revealed. This is the state from which classic non-dual teachers speak; this is a great achievement, but it’s not the end of the road.

The reason why spiritual teachers often contradict each other is precisely because enlightenment is not a single realization. One teacher might be speaking from a certain level of realization, while another teacher might be speaking from a more elevated vantage point.

Spiritual growth can be likened to climbing a mountain. Some teachers begin instructing before reaching the summit, which is helpful for those unaware of the mountain’s existence. However, these teachers can only guide you to a certain point. To reach the peak, you must move beyond their teachings and seek guidance from those who have climbed higher.

It’s crucial not to become overly attached to any single spiritual teacher. Instead, learn all you can from each instructor, then move on when you’ve absorbed their knowledge. This allows you to gain deeper insights and continue your ascent.

Many seekers struggle to let go of their connection to a particular teacher. This is understandable, as constantly questioning one’s understanding and acknowledging there’s more to learn can be exhausting. It’s tempting to believe you’ve “arrived” or that there’s nothing left to discover.

However, in spirituality, enlightenment, and non-duality, there are profound truths to uncover. It would be unfortunate to stop at initial realizations, such as understanding the non-existence of a separate self or the conceptual mind, when there’s still so much more to explore and understand.

The Impact of Enlightenment on Daily Life

After enlightenment, your problems are not going to magically disappear, and you won’t have any kind of supernatural power. Sorry to break it to you, but enlightenment is not going to make you fart butterflies and rainbows.

“Enlightenment is like everyday consciousness but two inches above the ground.”
– Suzuki Roshi

For instance, from time to time, I still feel upset, sad, angry, and all the common human emotions. Beware of teachers who embellish spiritual enlightenment with tales of everlasting bliss.

It’s crucial to understand that enlightenment is just one aspect of personal growth. Ken Wilber, a prominent integral theorist, explains this using the concepts of “waking up,” “growing up,” and “cleaning up.”

“Waking up” refers to the spiritual enlightenment we’ve been discussing – the direct realization of your true nature as Consciousness. However, this alone doesn’t guarantee a well-rounded, mature individual.

“Growing up” involves developing emotional intelligence, cognitive abilities, and interpersonal skills. You might be enlightened, but if you haven’t “grown up,” you could still act immaturely or lack the ability to effectively navigate complex social situations.

“Cleaning up” is about addressing your psychological shadows – the repressed or unacknowledged aspects of your psyche. Even after enlightenment, these shadows can continue to influence your behavior if left unexamined.

“Enlightenment isn’t the end, as people often think. It’s the beginning.”

– Peter Ralston

The journey towards spiritual enlightenment is the most admirable journey that a human being can embark on. However, I highly suggest you keep your expectations in check. Don’t strive to achieve enlightenment for frivolous reasons. Instead, aim for a holistic approach that includes waking up, growing up, and cleaning up.

In my case, what I cherish the most about spiritual enlightenment is that I am no longer confused about the metaphysics of reality. No material possession or experience is worth more to me than such knowledge. Yet, I recognize that this is just one piece of the puzzle. I continue to work on growing up and cleaning up, striving to become not just an enlightened being, but a well-rounded, mature, and psychologically healthy individual.

Remember, enlightenment isn’t an endpoint, but rather a profound shift in perspective that opens up new dimensions of growth and understanding. It’s a lifelong journey of integration and exploration.

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